
Our partners and supporters are critical to our success.  Without our dream team, we would still be busting knuckles on rusty turbine bolts.  By surrounding ourselves with like minded problem solvers, Burnshire is producing green energy again.

John and Carl, Industrial and Turbine Mechanics

John and Carl are the backbone of our project. They renovated the power house, rebuilt the power house internal structure in steel, removed all three turbines, rebuilt and reinstalled two turbines, installed new trash racks and hydraulic lifts, built the concrete water inlet, and installed new gates for the forebay.  Certainly this list is not exhaustive. In addition they keep our fleet of heavy equipment, motors, and hydraulics operational and well maintained.  As we build our machine shop capability, John and Carl have assumed small parts fabrication duties as well.

John, Electrical Engineer

John is a controls and electrical engineer consulting for Burnshire Hydroelectric and yes, he is always this upbeat.  He has 16+ years of experience working with industrial power distribution, maintenance, and multiple controls platforms in the paper and chemical sectors.  John has expertise in drive interfaces, network configuration, both mechanical and electrical root cause analysis, industrial electrical safety, and control systems. 


Allen, Master Electrician

Allen is our master electrician.  Although he attempted to retire, he was quickly drafted to work with us.  From the beginning, when we needed temporary power to the buildings, and all the way through installing and pulling our underground conductors, Allen has been there.  Allen coordinated acquisition and installation of our site transformer.  In addition to electrical work, Allen also teaches electrician classes for a local trade school. 

Dave, Civil Works

Dave excavated our forebay and built the coffer dam.  After several flood events, it is all still there.  Additionally, Dave terraced our tail race so that much less flood damage occurs during high water events.